. Azam Yarahmadi; . Firoozeh Zare-Farashbandi; . Ali Kachuei; . Rasoul Nouri; . Akbar Hassanzadeh
Volume 4, Issue 4 , August 2014, , Pages 1-5
Introduction: Patient education plays an important role in the control of diabetes. Nonattendanceeducation, enabling elimination of limitations caused by time and space and facilitating ...
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Introduction: Patient education plays an important role in the control of diabetes. Nonattendanceeducation, enabling elimination of limitations caused by time and space and facilitating the relationshipbetween patient and care liaison is an effective, simple, and cheap method. The aim of this studyis determination of the effects of nonattendance information therapy on the control of glycosylatedhemoglobin (HbA1C) in type2 diabetic patients in Isfahan. Materials and Methods: The present studywas an interventional semi experimental study with pretest and post‑test and control groups. Statisticalpopulation were type 2 diabetics patients of the Isfahan Endocrine and Metabolism Research Center,of whom 64 people were randomly selected and divided into intervention and control groups. First, thepreliminary data were collected using the HbA1c test in patients. Then, the intervention group receivedtraining package and Short Message Service (SMS) for eight weeks. After one‑month incubationperiod, HbA1c was again determined in both groups. Data were analyzed using t‑test, paired t‑testand Mann–Whitney U and Chi‑square tests. Results: Results showed that diabetes patients’ HbA1cin the intervention group was significantly lower after the intervention through training packagesand SMS service compared to before the intervention (P < 0.001). Comparison of the two groupsshowed that there was a significant difference in the HbA1C between the intervention and controlgroups (P = 0.048). Conclusion: Follow‑up of education of patients with type 2 diabetes throughtraining packages and SMS services had significant effects on the control of the patients’ HbA1C.Also due to the low cost and high effectiveness of this method, it is recommended to health‑careproviders and treatment groups. This study also showed that having medical librarians along withtreatment group can have a positive effect on the type 2 diabetic patients’ health.