Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Identifying strategies for dealing with the aging population from the perspective of health system experts: A qualitative study
Identifying strategies for dealing with the aging population from the perspective of health system experts: A qualitative study

. Rahele Samouei; . Mahmoud Keyvanara

Volume 12, Issue 5 , June 2022, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND AND AIM: Given the growing trend of aging and the limited resources of the healthsystem, the lack of long‑term prior government planning, and reduced growth of the productive ...  Read More
Perspectives on healthy aging in middle age: Evidence for health promotion interventions
Perspectives on healthy aging in middle age: Evidence for health promotion interventions

. Mahnaz Solhi; . Razieh Pirouzeh; . Nasibeh Zanjari

Volume 12, Issue 1 , January 2022, , Pages 1-9

  CONTEXT: Understanding how middle‑aged people perceive healthy aging and what they need to doto stay healthy as they age can help public policy planning to enhance the lifestyles ...  Read More
Economic evaluation of E‑health interventions compared with alternative treatments in older persons’ care: A systematic review
Economic evaluation of E‑health interventions compared with alternative treatments in older persons’ care: A systematic review

. Aziz Rezapour; . Seyede Sedighe Hosseinijebeli; . Saeed Bagheri Faradonbeh

Volume 11, Issue 4 , May 2021, , Pages 1-6

  Population aging has increased the need for long‑term care of older persons who suffer frommulti‑morbidity and chronic conditions. Today, the majority of older people are living ...  Read More
Does Islamic spiritual program lead to successful aging? A randomized clinical trial
Does Islamic spiritual program lead to successful aging? A randomized clinical trial

. Mahin Moeini; . Somaye Sharifi; . Zahra Zandiyeh

Volume 6, Issue 1 , 2016, , Pages 1-7

  Context: Successful aging is a pattern of aging that has gained much attention during recentyears. One factor that has a negative impact on successful aging variables is hypertension. ...  Read More
A survey on the effect of implementation of a family‑centered empowerment model on blood pressure and empowerment dimensions in the elderly people with hypertension
A survey on the effect of implementation of a family‑centered empowerment model on blood pressure and empowerment dimensions in the elderly people with hypertension

. Mahrokh Keshvari; . Batool Hedayati; . Mahin Moeini; . Fatemeh Alhani

Volume 5, Issue 5 , December 2015, , Pages 1-10

  Background: Noncommunicable diseases such as Hypertension are among theimportant factors of mortality and morbidity of the elderly people. The family‑centeredempowerment model (FCEM) ...  Read More