. Zahra Namjou; . Seyed Ali Jafari; . Aramesh Rezaeian; . Majid Ghayour-Mobarhan; . Elham Shahraki Moghadam
Volume 12, Issue 10 , November 2022, , Pages 1-7
BACKGROUND: Complications of chronic liver disease (CLD) in children play an important role in mortalityand disability. This disease is one of the health problems of the country and ...
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BACKGROUND: Complications of chronic liver disease (CLD) in children play an important role in mortalityand disability. This disease is one of the health problems of the country and due to its chronic and irreversibledisease, it needs care and treatment education programs. Therefore, this study was performed to determinethe effect of nutrition adjustment training program on anthropometric indices in children with CLD.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This clinical trial study was performed on 75 children(45 in the intervention group and 30 in the control group) with CLD in the nutrition clinic of GhaemEducational‑Research Center in Mashhad. Children and caregivers with inclusion criteria enteredthe study after completing written consent. Anthropometric indices (abdominal circumference, bodywater level, body fat, height, weight, body mass index, arm circumference) were measured andrecorded in children at the beginning of the study. Children and their caregivers were randomlydivided into control and intervention groups. The intervention group underwent nutritional adjustment(calculation of energy and carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, vitamins and minerals, calculationand selection of diet) training (face to face) for 6 sessions (each session 90–120 min, three timesa week for 2 weeks). Twelve weeks after the start of the study, children in both intervention andcontrol groups were evaluated for anthropometric indices. The collected data were analyzed by SPSSsoftware version 16 and descriptive and analytical statistical tests (Mann–Whitney and Wilcoxon).RESULTS: The results of Wilcoxon statistical test showed that children in the intervention group atthe end of the study compared to the beginning of the study had significant changes in scores aroundthe abdomen (P = 0.001), total body water (P = 0.009), total fat (0.001 > P), height (P = 0.001),weight (P < 0.001), body mass index (P < 0.001), arm circumference (P < 0.001). The mean scoresat the end of the study increased compared to the beginning of the study, but the mean scores ofthe studied indices in the control group did not change significantly.CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed that diet adjustment training program can be effectiveon anthropometric indices of children with CLD. For this purpose, the use of this educational methodis recommended to improve the anthropometric indices of these children.