. Patricia E. Hill-Mey; . Karol L. Kumpfer; . Ray M. Merrill; . Justine Reel; . Beverly Hyatt-Neville; . Glenn E. Richardson
Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2015, , Pages 1-7
The purpose of this paper is to describe the multifaceted nature and benefits of worksite healthpromotion programs (WHPPs), with emphasis on the college setting. An assessment of thepeer-reviewed ...
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The purpose of this paper is to describe the multifaceted nature and benefits of worksite healthpromotion programs (WHPPs), with emphasis on the college setting. An assessment of thepeer-reviewed literature was conducted of articles published since 2000. Several search engineswere accessed and selected key words were used. Most studies examining WHPPs havefocused on return on investment and productivity. Research that targets the softer side-benefitsof health promotion programs in the workplace is less available. Although the college settingoffers some advantages for implementing health promotion programs. They may also haveunique challenges due to their large and diverse employee population. There is little researchto show the effectiveness and unique challenges of college-based health promotion programs.