. Mohammadkarim Bahadori; . Maryam Yaghoubi; . Marzieh Javadi; . Zahreh Agha Rahimi
Volume 5, Issue 2 , March 2015, , Pages 1-4
Background: Considering globalization of health care and quality improvement trend torespond to competition and customer orientation, attention to organizational structureand its relationship ...
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Background: Considering globalization of health care and quality improvement trend torespond to competition and customer orientation, attention to organizational structureand its relationship with market orientation is essential. Therefore, this study reviews therelationship between organizational structure and market orientation in selected hospitalsof Isfahan (Iran). Materials and Methods: This study was a descriptive survey. The studypopulation comprised nurse managers from selected hospitals (n = 80). Data collection toolswere two questionnaires (market orientation questionnaire and organizational structure) thatthe validity and reliability were confirmed (r = 0.83 for market orientation questionnaire andr = 0.87 for organizational structure). SPSS (Ver. 16) software was used for the analyses.Results: The mean score of organizational structure was 65.4 (11.2) and total mean ofmarket orientation was 51.14 (17.6). All aspects of the organizational structure (OrganizationCentralization, Formalization in Organization, and Organization Complication) and marketorientation (responding to competition, accountability, customer satisfaction, intelligentorganization)—except by responding to clients with Formalization in Organization—as well asall aspects of the Systemic attitude (the system of internal coordination and communicationsystems_ and market orientation (responding to competition, accountability, customersatisfaction, intelligent organization), there was a meaningful relationship (P < 0.05).Conclusion: Market orientation and its dimensions have a significant relationship withorganizational structure and can lead managers’ view to the analysis and recognizing elementsof success and achievement to goals. With increasing competition in markets, globalizationof health services, and presence in international markets and more attention to patients’satisfaction, hospitals need to understand and use of market orientation in order to promotequality and services in the health care system.