. Hamid Haghighi; . Javad Golmirzaee; . Koroush Mohammadi; . Ali Safari Moradabadi; . Sakineh Dadipoor; . Ali Akbar Hesam
Volume 5, Issue 1 , February 2015, , Pages 1-6
Introduction: Suicide is committed by a person himself or herself and whether consciousor semiconscious it is aimed to end one`s life. This action is not committed inadvertently orincongruously. ...
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Introduction: Suicide is committed by a person himself or herself and whether consciousor semiconscious it is aimed to end one`s life. This action is not committed inadvertently orincongruously. However, it could be related to one`s unmet needs and feelings of despair. Studieson the prevalence of suicide are related to environmental and seasonal circumstances. As thereare diverse populations in Bandar Abbas of different races due to its geographical position, and asits weather condition is different from the other parts of country there is no study with this regard.Hence, the aim of this research is to investigate the correlations between and among demographicalvariables and suicide in different seasons of the year. Materials and Methods: This study is across‑sectional one. Participants included 80 persons who had attempted suicide and werehospitalized within 2011 in the Ebnesina Hospital of Bandar Abases, Iran. The variables underinvestigation are the suicidal patients` demographic characteristics, where, when, and how theperson had committed suicide. All of these data were available in their profiles. These data wereanalyzed by using the SSPS software. Results: The results showed that 45% of the suicidalpeople were the young and adolescent. Also, 75.5% of these people were single and 22.5% ofthem were married. Most suicides occurred in summer, which makes up 41.3% of all the suicidalpeople. On the other hand 11.3% of the suicides were committed successfully and 88.7% of themhad been unsuccessful; 42.5% of suicidal people had used drugs and 38.8% of them had usedpesticides to commit suicide — 78.8% of these patients had psychotic disorders and 12.5% ofthem suffered from mental disorders such as schizophrenia. Furthermore, a significant relationshipwas found between seasons in which suicide was committed, marital status, age, mental illness,and educational and occupational characteristics of suicidal patients. Conclusion: This studyshowed that the most vulnerable peoplecommitting suicide were from among theyoung and adolescent. Singles had attemptedsuicide more than the married. Most of suicideattempters had used drugs to commit suicide.Generally, in the current study, some variablesincluding season, marital status, age, historyof mental illnesses, and educational andoccupational variables were all associatedwith committing suicide.