. Rocío Fortún‑Rabadán; . Carolina Jiménez‑Sánchez; . Olatz Flores‑Yaben; . Pablo Bellosta‑López
Volume 11, Issue 2 , February 2021, , Pages 1-10
BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal pain is highly prevalent among office workers and causes highcosts to the public health system. Strategies including education and exercise are recommended,with ...
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BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal pain is highly prevalent among office workers and causes highcosts to the public health system. Strategies including education and exercise are recommended,with major benefits when conducted by physical therapists in the occupational environment. However,the required investment is uncommon among companies. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacyof a multimodal physiotherapy intervention to relieve musculoskeletal pain in office workers.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study employed a single group study with a pre‑poststudy design and was conducted at Universidad San Jorge in 2018. Outcome variables were:workplace ergonomics (INSHT Guide), existence and severity of musculoskeletal disorders(Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire), musculoskeletal pain intensity (Numeric Rating Scale), andClinical Global Impression Scale. Office workers in a university setting (n = 24, 19 females) wereassessed at baseline, after 4 weeks of in‑person sessions and following 3 weeks of autonomousperformance. The physiotherapy program included education, ergonomic supervision, self‑treatment,strengthening, and stretching exercises. A repeated‑measures ANOVA or Friedman test (with posthoc comparisons) and Chi‑squared test were used to compare the study variables.RESULTS: At baseline, cervical spine (54%), shoulder (42%), and lumbar regions (37.5%) werethe most symptomatic regions according to the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. Even if theproportion of symptomatic areas did not decrease significantly after the intervention, a great reductionof musculoskeletal pain intensity was observed after the program in the cervical (P < 0.001), lowerback (P = 0.005), shoulder (P = 0.006) regions, and in the overall pain level (P < 0.001).CONCLUSIONS: These results support that a multimodal physiotherapy program can relievework‑related musculoskeletal pain in office workers and serve as a basis for future controlled trials.