. Varsha J. Patel; . Supriya D. Malhotra; . Devang A. Rana
Volume 6, Issue 1 , 2016, , Pages 1-5
Context: Feedback is an integral part of formative assessment though underutilized inmedical education. The objective of this study was to review our feedback module throughstudents’ ...
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Context: Feedback is an integral part of formative assessment though underutilized inmedical education. The objective of this study was to review our feedback module throughstudents’ perceptions. Methodology: We have developed a feedback module which ispracticed by us for last 10 years for term ending examination that gives collective feedbackto the whole class, followed by individual student‑teacher interactions. Students were alsoexposed to 6–7 multiple choice questions (MCQs) based assessment during the course ofpharmacology. Immediately after each MCQ test the answer keys is displayed along withan explanation. Two classes of students were requested to give their perceptions aboutthe feedback by responding on Likert scale for the statements in the questionnaire. Allthe 206 students who volunteered for the study were enrolled in the study. Mann–Whitneytest was used to calculate the difference in perceptions. Results: Of 278 students of twoclasses, 206 responded (74%). Students’ agreement varied from 93% to 98% for 5 items inthe questionnaire for the feedback after term ending examinations. Perception of studentsattending one or more than one feedback session did not differ significantly. For MCQs, testsagreement was 91% to 98% for the 4 items. There was no significant difference between twoclasses in their perceptions regarding feedback practices (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Studentsgave a favorable opinion for our feedback module. In the medical colleges with a largenumber of students, this module is feasible for feedback in formative assessment in theform of written tests.