Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
The short‑ and long‑term effects of a course on rational drug use: A comparative study between prefinal‑ and final‑year undergraduate medical students who attended the course in different clinical years
The short‑ and long‑term effects of a course on rational drug use: A comparative study between prefinal‑ and final‑year undergraduate medical students who attended the course in different clinical years

. Berna Terzioglu Bebitoglu; . Elif Oguz; . Nazife Gökçe Acet; . Esra Akdeniz; . Özlem Sarikaya

Volume 11, Issue 5 , June 2021, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Rational pharmacology use and appropriate prescribing are among the key learningoutcomes in medical education. Some medical faculties include rational pharmacotherapy coursein ...  Read More
Effectiveness of the game‑based learning over traditional teaching–learning strategy to instruct pharmacology for Phase II medical students
Effectiveness of the game‑based learning over traditional teaching–learning strategy to instruct pharmacology for Phase II medical students

. Anupama M. Gudadappanavar; . Jyoti M. Benni; . Shivalingappa B. Javali

Volume 11, Issue 3 , March 2021, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Game‑based education is fast becoming an innovative teaching approach in the fieldof medical education. Traditional review sessions (tutorials) are mainly focused on instructor‑basedlearning ...  Read More