Volume 13 (2023)
Volume 12 (2022)
Volume 11 (2021)
Volume 10 (2020)
Volume 9 (2019)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2017)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2014)
Volume 3 (2013)
Volume 2 (2012)
Volume 1 (1900)
Metamemory functioning and memory strategies used among medical students
Metamemory functioning and memory strategies used among medical students

. Kinjari Kancharla; . Sagayaraj Kanagaraj; . Ram Gopal C. N.

Volume 13, Issue 1 , January 2023, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Metamemory can be described as an intentional endeavor to guide or controlone’s memory processes. In other words, awareness and knowledge of one’s own memory ...  Read More
Impact of a simple educational intervention on awareness regarding cardiovascular disease among school‑going adolescents in a rural area of Bengaluru district, India
Impact of a simple educational intervention on awareness regarding cardiovascular disease among school‑going adolescents in a rural area of Bengaluru district, India

. Vivek Bhat; . Reubel Coates; . Deepthi Shanbhag; . Natasha Pillai; . Neha Zacharias; . Reema D’Souza; . Geo Judes Mathew

Volume 13, Issue 1 , January 2023, , Pages 1-5

  BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death in India.Atherosclerosis begins in the second decade of life; thus, preventive efforts beginning in adolescenceare ...  Read More
‘Eat Right, Future Bright: Nutrition Education Program’ (ERFB-NEP) module for aboriginal primary school children in Malaysia
‘Eat Right, Future Bright: Nutrition Education Program’ (ERFB-NEP) module for aboriginal primary school children in Malaysia

. Nur A. Nordin; . Syasya N. Haris; . Syahrul B. A. Hamid

Volume 13, Issue 1 , January 2023, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Nutrition is essential for schoolchildren to reach their full potential psychologicallyand cognitively. Malnutrition, which is prevalent among aboriginal schoolchildren ...  Read More
Social networks: A quality tool for health dissemination?
Social networks: A quality tool for health dissemination?

. Carmen García‑Méndez; . Francisca María García‑Padilla; . Macarena Romero‑Martín; . Elena Sosa‑Cordobés; . María del Mar Domínguez-Pérez; . José Miguel Robles‑Romero

Volume 12, Issue 10 , November 2022, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Social networks are integrated in our lives and, amongst other functions, theyare a means of dissemination. There are numerous social network accounts dedicated to healththat ...  Read More
Study of suicidal thoughts and intentions with regard to job stress among female medical students living in dormitory with a mental health promotion approach
Study of suicidal thoughts and intentions with regard to job stress among female medical students living in dormitory with a mental health promotion approach

. Ali Salehi Sahlabadi; . Faezeh Abbasi Balochkhaneh; . Seyed Nouredin Hosseini Gousheh; . Javad Vatani; . Maliheh Eshaghzadeh; . Hamideh Bidel

Volume 12, Issue 9 , October 2022, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Medical students are exposed to stresses which have irreversible consequences,such as suicidal ideation. The present study aimed to investigate the level of occupational ...  Read More
Health education and global health: Practices, applications, and future research
Health education and global health: Practices, applications, and future research

. Daliya S. Rizvi

Volume 12, Issue 7 , August 2022, , Pages 1-7

  Health education is a crucial consideration in the healthcare system and has the potential to improveglobal health. Recently, researchers have expressed interest in streamlining health ...  Read More
‘Perceptions’ and ‘practices’ to antibiotic usage among diabetic patients receiving care from a rural tertiary care center: A mixed‑methods study
‘Perceptions’ and ‘practices’ to antibiotic usage among diabetic patients receiving care from a rural tertiary care center: A mixed‑methods study

. Manjunath Inchara; . Mahendra M. Reddy; . Nagesh Ramya

Volume 12, Issue 5 , June 2022, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: Contribution to antibiotic resistance can happen at two interfaces – doctorprescribing antibiotics inadvertently or patient’s usage of antibiotics inadvertently. ...  Read More
Effectiveness of training program in manual material handling: A health promotion approach
Effectiveness of training program in manual material handling: A health promotion approach

. Ameneh Jari; . Nazi Niazmand‑Aghdam; . Sadegh Ahmadi Mazhin; . Poursadeghiyan; . Ali Salehi Sahlabadi

Volume 12, Issue 3 , March 2022, , Pages 1-9

  BACKGROUND: Even in an era of automation and digitalization, Manual Material Handling (MMH) can be called the most common industrial task. The aim of this study was to evaluate ...  Read More
Comparing the effects of teach‑back method, multimedia and blended training on self‑care and social support in patients with heart failure: A randomized clinical trial
Comparing the effects of teach‑back method, multimedia and blended training on self‑care and social support in patients with heart failure: A randomized clinical trial

. Maryam Karami Salaheddin Kola; . Hedayat Jafari; . Jamshid Yazdani Charati; . Vida Shafipour

Volume 11, Issue 6 , July 2021, , Pages 1-9

  BACKGROUND: The knowledge level of caregivers and their support for patients can affect theself‑care of patients with heart failure (HF). The present study was conducted to compare ...  Read More
Application of health education and promotion theory‑based interventions on patients with cardiovascular disease: A systematic review
Application of health education and promotion theory‑based interventions on patients with cardiovascular disease: A systematic review

. Bahram Mohebbi; . Maryam Sabouri; . Azar Tol

Volume 11, Issue 5 , June 2021, , Pages 1-14

  BACKGROUND: Adopting healthy behaviors can lead to better outcomes which can deeply impactcardiovascular diseases (CVDs) development; consequently, tailoring appropriate theory‑basedinterventions ...  Read More
The effect of a nutrition education intervention on knowledge, attitude, and intake of foods high in fats in women
The effect of a nutrition education intervention on knowledge, attitude, and intake of foods high in fats in women

. Fatemeh Zeynalzadeh Borjloo; . Tahereh Dehdari; . Jamileh Abolghasemi; . Fatemehsadat Amiri; . Ali Vasheghani‑Farahani

Volume 11, Issue 5 , June 2021, , Pages 1-6

  BACKGROUND: Given that many Iranian were interested in the consumption of foods that are highin fats, the present study was done to determine the effect of a nutrition education intervention ...  Read More
The contribution of physical and sports education to health education of Moroccan middle school students: Representations and practices of teachers
The contribution of physical and sports education to health education of Moroccan middle school students: Representations and practices of teachers

. Abdelaziz Razouki; . Salah‑Eddine Khzami; . Sabah Selmaoui; . Boujemaa Agorram

Volume 11, Issue 4 , May 2021, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Physical education is undergoing a major transformation period that leads thatschool discipline to influence the lifestyles of young people to help them adopt behaviors ...  Read More
Lifestyle intervention for gestational diabetes prevention in rural woman of Shoush city
Lifestyle intervention for gestational diabetes prevention in rural woman of Shoush city

. Zahra Karimipour; . Nasibeh Sharifi; . Hossein Seydkhani; . Hojat Sayadi; . Mohsen Jalilian

Volume 11, Issue 4 , May 2021, , Pages 1-7

  BACKGROUND: Physical activity and nutrition interventions are the most important ways to preventgestational diabetes. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of healthy ...  Read More
Developing health promotional skills among medical undergraduates for tuberculosis patients: An innovative way to benefit students as well as patients
Developing health promotional skills among medical undergraduates for tuberculosis patients: An innovative way to benefit students as well as patients

. Manju Bala; . Vikramjeet Arora; . Bharti Chawla; . Neha Gautam

Volume 11, Issue 3 , March 2021, , Pages 1-5

  BACKGROUND: Involving medical undergraduate students in patients’ health education will not onlyhelp in improving students’ learning as well as professional and communication ...  Read More
Effectiveness of interdisciplinary health education programs for individuals with fibromyalgia: A systematic review
Effectiveness of interdisciplinary health education programs for individuals with fibromyalgia: A systematic review

. Mateus Dias Antunes; . Letícia Assis Couto; . Letícia Assis Couto1 , Sonia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini; . Felipe Cayres Nogueira da Rocha Loures3; . Ana Carolina Basso Schmitt; . Amélia Pasqual Marques

Volume 11, Issue 2 , February 2021, , Pages 1-8

  Fibromyalgia has been increasing worldwide and is considered a public health problem.Nonpharmacological treatment through exercise and education is recommended forfibromyalgia management. ...  Read More
Establishing criterion validity for the Revised Critical Nutrition Literacy Tool in U.S. college students
Establishing criterion validity for the Revised Critical Nutrition Literacy Tool in U.S. college students

. Janette Bedoyan; . Jade McNamara; . Melissa D. Olfert; . Carol Byrd‑Bredbenner; . Geoffrey W. Greene

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2021, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Critical nutrition literacy (CNL) plays an important role in how college students makeeveryday decisions about nutrition choices. Increasing CNL is an aim of many introductory ...  Read More
“Perceived stress” and its associated factors among diabetic patients receiving care from a rural tertiary health care center in South India
“Perceived stress” and its associated factors among diabetic patients receiving care from a rural tertiary health care center in South India

. Gowshik M. Siddharthan; . Mahendra M. Reddy; . Bagepally N. Sunil

Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2021, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: “Stress” acts as both etiological link and also as an outcome in the case of diabetesmellitus. There is a paucity of literature regarding stress levels and also ...  Read More
The Health Disparities Field Experience: College students and community health workers in the field
The Health Disparities Field Experience: College students and community health workers in the field

. Ernesto A. Moralez; . Beti Thompson; . Kaitlin Englund; . Marilyn Drennan; . Nicole Mandall; . Helena Loest

Volume 10, Issue 11 , November 2020, , Pages 1-7

  CONTEXT: Immersing students studying health promotion and disease prevention into communitysettings facing health disparities is an essential supplement to their academic experience. ...  Read More
Investigating the effect of education on man immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome preventive behaviors in vulnerable women living in peripheral neighborhoods: Applications of the health belief model
Investigating the effect of education on man immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome preventive behaviors in vulnerable women living in peripheral neighborhoods: Applications of the health belief model

. Somayyeh Khazaeian; . Ali Navidian; . Fariba Shahraki Sanavi; . Lila Hadipoor

Volume 10, Issue 11 , November 2020, , Pages 1-9

  INTRODUCTION: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a pervasive disease, andits epidemic is spreading around the world. The only way to effectively fight against humanimmunodeficiency ...  Read More
Why the tremendous potential of uploading health educational material on medical institutions’ website remains grossly underutilized in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Why the tremendous potential of uploading health educational material on medical institutions’ website remains grossly underutilized in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

. Sudip Bhattacharya; . Amarjeet Singh

Volume 10, Issue 9 , September 2020, , Pages 1-6

  Due to the short span available for consultation with clinicians, patients try to become well versedwith their clinical conditions before the medical consultation. They search Google ...  Read More
A study to assess the effectiveness of a nutrition education session using flipchart among school‑going adolescent girls
A study to assess the effectiveness of a nutrition education session using flipchart among school‑going adolescent girls

. Kameshwary Raikar; . Archana Thakur; . Abha Mangal; . Joyce Felicia Vaghela; . Sayantan Banerjee; . Vinita Gupta

Volume 10, Issue 7 , July 2020, , Pages 1-7

  INTRODUCTION: Adolescence is characterized by a rapid phase of growth and developmentduring which the requirement of nutrition and micronutrients is relatively high. Although there ...  Read More
Health communication in low‑income countries: A 60‑year bibliometric and thematic analysis
Health communication in low‑income countries: A 60‑year bibliometric and thematic analysis

. Nour Mheidly; . Jawad Fares

Volume 10, Issue 7 , July 2020, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: Health communication is a field that uses social and behavioral models to improvehealth outcomes and raise awareness on major health risks that threaten human well‑being.Low‑income ...  Read More
Impact of counseling and reinforcement by school teachers on behavior change in children: A one ‑year follow‑up study
Impact of counseling and reinforcement by school teachers on behavior change in children: A one ‑year follow‑up study

. Upendra Singh Bhadauria; . Rouble Verma Mathur; . Aanchal Agarwal; . Rishabh Shukla; . Shaijal Godha; . Rohit Maheshwari

Volume 10, Issue 5 , May 2020, , Pages 1-5

  INTRODUCTION: School teachers play an important role in instilling positive behavior changesamong school children. School children at an early age group of 2–7 years face challenges ...  Read More
A comprehensive model of health education barriers of health‑care system in Iran
A comprehensive model of health education barriers of health‑care system in Iran

. Hashem Heshmati; . Elham Shakibazadeh; . Abbas Rahimi Foroushani; . Roya Sadeghi

Volume 10, Issue 5 , May 2020, , Pages 1-12

  BACKGROUND: According to the importance of health education (HE) in disease control andprevention and inadequacy of HE in the Iran’s health‑care system, clarifying the HE barriers ...  Read More
Using an educational program based on health belief model to improve the preventive behaviors of nurses against cardiovascular diseases
Using an educational program based on health belief model to improve the preventive behaviors of nurses against cardiovascular diseases

. Shahram Ghasemi Amraei; . Farideh Malekshahi; . Fateme Goudarzi; . Farzad Ebrahimzadeh

Volume 10, Issue 4 , April 2020, , Pages 1-8

  BACKGROUND: An unhealthy lifestyle can threaten the health of nursing staff, especially in thecontext of cardiovascular diseases  (CVDs). Considering the importance of health education ...  Read More