. Rahayu Budi Utami; . Utin Siti Candra Sari; . Emy Yulianti; . Slamet Wardoyo
Volume 9, Issue 11 , November 2019, , Pages 1-7
BACKGROUND: The decrease in coverage of exclusive breastfeeding for mothers who workin Pontianak has an impact on the decline of the baby’s immune system. Prevention efforts canbe ...
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BACKGROUND: The decrease in coverage of exclusive breastfeeding for mothers who workin Pontianak has an impact on the decline of the baby’s immune system. Prevention efforts canbe done by increasing knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding tips for mothers who work byproviding health education. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the use of healtheducation media in increasing maternal knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding tips for workingmothers.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a quasi‑experiment study with a nonrandomized designpretest and posttest control group design. The population of nursing mothers who have childrenaged 0–6 months. The number of samples is 140, which is divided into four groups. Data collectionuse direct interviews. Respondents filled out the pretest questionnaire to measure knowledge beforebeing given health education. Then, the first group was given treatment in the form of lectures, thesecond group using leaflets, and the third group was given lectures first then given leaflets. Afterthat, his knowledge was measured again through a posttest. Data analysis were used to determinethe increase in the score of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding tips for mothers who workedon each media used repeated ANOVA and Kruskal–Wallis test, while one‑way ANOVA continuedwith post hoc Bonferroni and Friedman followed by Mann–Whitney test used to compare scoredifferences knowledge on all three media.RESULTS: there were significant differences in knowledge, before and after being given good healtheducation without media, with leaflets, electronic media, and electronic leaflets before. statisticaltests before and after used leaflets and electronic media without media 19.85 (P ≤ 0.001), leafletswithout media 8.42 (P ≤ 0.001). Electronic without media at 8.14 (P ≤ 0.001). In the pre‑ andpost‑test study, the experimental study was pseudo, 140 individuals with each group 35 individuals.CONCLUSION: The most effective method in providing health education to increase the knowledgeof breastfeeding mothers about tips on exclusive breastfeeding for working mothers is electronicleaflet media.