. Sartaj Singh Wazir; . Pallak Arora; . Snehashish Ghosh; . Vasuda Bhagat; . Suchi Khurana; . Swagat Mahanta
Volume 9, Issue 11 , November 2019, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Preterm low birth weight (PLBW) is a leading perinatal problem in developingcountries. PLBW is considered as a leading cause of neonatal death in the 1st year of life, with ...
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BACKGROUND: Preterm low birth weight (PLBW) is a leading perinatal problem in developingcountries. PLBW is considered as a leading cause of neonatal death in the 1st year of life, with problemsin childhood and adulthood. Several studies have suggested a possible relationship between PLBWand periodontal status of the expectant mothers. The present study was conducted to determine theassociation between the maternal periodontitis and the low birth weight (BW) of the babies.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study consisted of 200 primipara mothers ranging between18 and 35 years old, with a mean age of 23.96 years. The mothers were categorized based on theweight of the infants as cases (BW <2500 g) and as controls (BW ≥2500 g). Age, mean weight,height, body mass index, and periodontal status of the mothers as well as weight of the babies wererecorded. Periodontal parameters were assessed using the community periodontal index (CPI). Thedata were recorded, analyzed, and statistically compared using the Chi‑square test (χ2).RESULTS: BW of the babies was regressed against CPI. Periodontitis was significantly associatedwith decrease in BW of the babies (P < 0.0001).CONCLUSION: Our findings showed an association of maternal periodontal disease with PLBW thatemphasizes to promote good oral hygiene of the expectant mothers during routine prenatal visits.