. Ahmed Mohammed Al Ansari; . Archana Prabu Kumar; . Aseel Fuad Fahad AlSaleh; . Mona Rushdi Khalil Arekat; . Abdelhalim Deifalla
Volume 11, Issue 9 , October 2021, , Pages 1-10
BACKGROUND: Demanding careers like medicine requires a lot of motivation and the AcademicMotivation Scale (AMS) developed by Vallerand et al. (1992) is an instrument to measure motivation.This ...
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BACKGROUND: Demanding careers like medicine requires a lot of motivation and the AcademicMotivation Scale (AMS) developed by Vallerand et al. (1992) is an instrument to measure motivation.This study evaluated the validity and reliability of AMS among medical students in the Middle East.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a methodological research utilizing a convenient samplingtechnique. AMS scale comprising 28 items subdivided into seven subscales was administered to 900students (281 students returned the filled AMS). Data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics,one‑way ANOVA, and t‑tests. Exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha were used to evaluatethe validity and reliability of the scale, respectively.RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference between both genders in overallscores (P = 0.015*), two subscales, namely “Identified Regulation” (P =0.017*) and “StimulatingExperience” (P = 0.015*), with females showing higher value. Second‑year students (n = 91) hadsignificantly higher score (10.9 ± 4.1) for “Amotivation” (P =.001*) and first‑year students (n = 48)had significantly higher score (16.2 ± 3.0) for “Achievement” subscale (P =.014*). P < 0.05was considered statistically significant with 95% confidence interval. No statistically significantdifference was observed between the groups based on nationality or age. Bartlett’s test ofsphericity was significant (Chi‑square: 2988.010; df = 278; P < 0.001). Kaiser–Meyer–Olkinwas 0.890. Principal component analysis with varimax rotation extracted seven factorscorresponding to the original items of AMS questionnaire. All subscales correlated positivelyexcept “amotivation.” Structural equation modeling revealed the relation between observedand unobserved variables.DISCUSSION: This study demonstrated that AMS is valid and reliable for application among MiddleEast medical students, without needing any modification. AMS has widespread application in medicaleducation as it impacts learning outcomes.CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that AMS is valid and reliable for application among theMiddle East students without needing any modification.