. Mohammad Goudarzi Rad; . Leila Ghanbari‑Afra; . Mahsa Haji Mohammad Hoseini; . Monireh Ghanbari Afra; . Hamid Asayesh
Volume 11, Issue 9 , October 2021, , Pages 1-7
BACKGROUND: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a life‑threatening condition that causes physicaland psychological disorders and decreases patients’ quality of life (QoL). Performing ...
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BACKGROUND: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a life‑threatening condition that causes physicaland psychological disorders and decreases patients’ quality of life (QoL). Performing propereducational self‑care program may lead to higher QoL in these patients. This study was performedto investigate the effectiveness of a self‑care educational program on QoL in patients with CAD.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This semi‑experimental study was performed on 60 patients withCAD referred to the cardiac rehabilitation (CR) center of Vali Asr hospital in Qom, Iran, in 2018–2019.Patients were divided into control and intervention groups by randomized sampling. The self‑careeducational program was provided through lectures and booklet. Data collection was done using the“demographic and clinical data questionnaire,” and “Seattle Angina questionnaire.” Questionnaireswere completed in both groups, before and at least 1 month after education. Analysis of the obtaineddata was performed using SPSS software (version 25), central indexes, Mann–Whitney test, andWilcoxon test.RESULTS: No significant differences were observed between the two groups for demographicscharacteristics and quality of life before the intervention. Before the self‑care program, the mean scoreof the QoL in the intervention and control group were 56.14 ± 9.75 and 58.46 ± 11.71, respectively.After that, the mean score of the QoL in the intervention and control group were 59.25 ± 10.56 and59.7 ± 13.33, respectively. The statistical analysis showed significant differences in the mean scoresof QoL in the intervention group before and after the intervention (P < 0.05). However, no statisticallysignificant differences were seen in the control group before and after the study (P > 0.05).CONCLUSIONS: The self‑care educational program improved the QoL in patients with CAD.Therefore, lectures and educational booklets should be considered by CR nurses.