. Rachel A. Williams; . Angela M. Rose; . Richard S. Bruno; . Andrew S. Hanks; . Julie A. Kennel; . Joshua D. McDonald; . Allison N. Labyk; . Carolyn Gunther
Volume 9, Issue 8 , August 2019, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Preliminary evidence indicates that subclinical cardiometabolic abnormalities arepresent in apparently healthy nonobese young adults. Poor dietary habits may be a contributing ...
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BACKGROUND: Preliminary evidence indicates that subclinical cardiometabolic abnormalities arepresent in apparently healthy nonobese young adults. Poor dietary habits may be a contributing factor.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine the presence of cardiometabolicabnormalities in apparently healthy college students and to assess the relationship between dietquality and cardiometabolic risk factors.METHODS: Cross‑sectional anthropometric, lipidemia, and glucose tolerance, blood pressure, anddietary Healthy Eating Index (HEI) data were collected (April 2015). Participants were undergraduatestudents. Ordinary least squares regression was used to examine associations between diet qualityand cardiometabolic risk factors.RESULTS: Participants (n = 147) were primarily nonHispanic Caucasian between 18 and 22 yearsand largely nonobese (95.0% of females, 85.1% of males). Total HEI score was 56.1 ± 16.1 forfemales and 53.2 ± 15.0 for males. Mean biochemical and clinical outcomes fell within normal limits.However, 71.0% of females and 80.9% of males met ≥1 or more metabolic syndrome criteria. HEIwas not related to health outcomes.CONCLUSIONS: Cardiometabolic abnormalities are present in a large proportion of apparentlyhealthy undergraduates which may place them at risk for future cardiometabolic complications. Therewas no relationship between diet quality and cardiometabolic health.