. Fatemeh Shaghaghi; . Zahra Abedian; . Mohammad Forouhar; . Habibollah Esmaily; . Elnaz Eskandarnia
Volume 9, Issue 8 , August 2019, , Pages 1-8
BACKGROUND: The psychological well‑being of midwives is very important in the context of providinghealth services to two vulnerable groups of society, namely, mothers and infants. ...
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BACKGROUND: The psychological well‑being of midwives is very important in the context of providinghealth services to two vulnerable groups of society, namely, mothers and infants. Therefore, thepresent study was conducted aiming to investigate the effect of positive psychological interventionson the psychological well‑being of midwives.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was a randomized clinical trial with pretest‑posttestdesign along with a control group. The statistical population of the study included all midwives workingin community health centers of Mashhad City, Iran, which were first selected through cluster samplingmethod from five health centers of the city, i.e. centers 1 and 3. Then, all centers and subsidiarybases of these centers were listed, and the centers and bases were divided into two groups ofintervention and control by simple random allocation method. Sixty respondents were randomlyassigned to two equal intervention and control groups and responded to the Ryff’s PsychologicalWell‑being questionnaire in two stages of pretest and posttest. Educational interventions based oninterventions, including Seligman’s PERMA model, in which psychological well‑being is defined interms of five domains namely positive emotions (P), engagement (E), relationships (R), meaning (M),and accomplishment (A), were conducted in eight sessions of 2 h (two sessions per week). Datawere analyzed using independent t‑test, paired t‑test, Mann–Whitney test, and Wilcoxon test.RESULTS: There was a significant difference between the posttest scores of the two interventionand control groups in the total psychological well‑being variable (P < 0.001).CONCLUSION: Given the findings of the study, it is suggested to use the Seligman’s PERMA modelto improve the psychological well‑being of midwives in health centers.