. Ashish Sharma; . Kumar Gaurav Chhabra; . Sweta Surana Bhandari; . Garima Poddar; . Subha Soumya Dany; . Chaya Chhabra; . Akanksha Goyal
Volume 11, Issue 8 , September 2021, , Pages 1-9
BACKGROUND: Lockdown in India might have adverse effects on the emotional health of the dentalprofessionals; hence, the aim of the present study was to determine the impact of various ...
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BACKGROUND: Lockdown in India might have adverse effects on the emotional health of the dentalprofessionals; hence, the aim of the present study was to determine the impact of various factorson emotional well‑being of dental professionals due to the effect of lockdown during COVID‑19.MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was a cross‑sectional, descriptive, questionnaire study conducted ondentists in India during April 2020. Sampling technique was convenient sampling, and sampling framewas all the dental professionals in India. The questionnaire was prepared online using Google Forms,and the link was generated which was shared among as many dentists accessible as possible, withthe help of message, mails, and WhatsApp. The questionnaire consists of questions on Demographicdetails, practice, and emotional well‑being. A total of 1844 dental professionals in 14 states in Indiaresponded. The statistical analysis was done using SPSS version no. 20. IBM SPSS version 20.0(IBM; Armonk, New York USA) Descriptive statistics and multinomial regression test was applied.RESULTS: Majority of study participants (1096[59.4%]) belonged to age group of 26–35years. Emotionalwell‑being score of 1206 (65.4%) dental professionals in the times of COVID‑19 outbreak was poorwith score between 26 and 78. It was assessed that males have significantly (P = 0.00**) (P < 0.001**)(**highly significant) poorer emotional well‑being 0.085 (0.829–1.429) compared to females. Marrieddental professionals − 0.023 (0.011–1.221) had significantly better (P = 0.05*) emotional well‑beingthan others.CONCLUSION: Emotional well‑being score of majority of dental professionals in the times ofCOVID‑19 outbreak was poor. Gender, marital status, socioeconomic status, years of experience,practicing in clinic, and average number of patients seen per month before lockdown have significantimpact on emotional wellbeing of dental professionals.