. Masoud Ghanbari Kakavandi; . Ali Omidi; . Amir Hossein Hashemian; . Mehdi Jabari; . Arsalan Hamidi; . Ebadolah Bavandpur; . Naser Dehghan
Volume 11, Issue 7 , August 2021, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Unwanted sound is recognized as the most extensive source of contaminantin the workplace. Exposure to intense, continuous, and higher than 85 dB level noise can lead tonoise‑induced ...
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BACKGROUND: Unwanted sound is recognized as the most extensive source of contaminantin the workplace. Exposure to intense, continuous, and higher than 85 dB level noise can lead tonoise‑induced hearing loss.The aim of the present study was to determine the level of noise exposureand its impact on hearing health among auto body workers.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This descriptive‑analytic study was conducted in 2020 to investigatethe hearing health status of workers in auto body workshops. Sixty‑one participants were randomlyselected for audiometric testing. The equivalent sound level (Leq) of the workers was measured usinga Casella CEL‑320 noise dosimeter. Audiometric testing was performed using an AC40 audiometer.The mean hearing threshold levels (HTLs) of both ears were calculated for different frequencies. Theresults obtained were analyzed using SPSS v21.0 at a significance level of 95%.RESULTS: The participants had an average age of 35.5 ± 11.8 years and an average work experienceof 16.5 ± 9.8 years. The mean Leq was 92.3 ± 4.7 dB. The mean HTLs for the right ear and left earwere 20, 15, 17.6, 19.2 dB, respectively with the right ear suffering more loss. A significant relationshipwas found between hearing loss in both ears (P < 0.001). The highest prevalence of hearing lossin both ears was observed at a frequency of 4 kHz. About 73.8% of the subjects had a normal HTL,23.3% had mild hearing loss, and 3.3% had severe hearing loss. With increasing work experience,HTLs also increased significantly, particularly at 2–8 kHz.CONCLUSIONS: Chronic exposure to noise pollution threatens hearing health. Therefore, it isnecessary to raise the level of awareness among workers in order to enable better hearing healthprotection and also to promote the use of hearing protection devices.