. Kalaivani S; . Kumari MJ; . Pal GK
Volume 9, Issue 7 , July 2019, , Pages 1-8
INTRODUCTION: Hypertension has a direct relationship with the circulation, respiration, and functionof vital organs. Similarly, complementary therapy such as alternate nostril breathing ...
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INTRODUCTION: Hypertension has a direct relationship with the circulation, respiration, and functionof vital organs. Similarly, complementary therapy such as alternate nostril breathing exercise has adirect effect on mental and physical health.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a quantitative experimental research with randomizedcontrolled trial design. A total of 170 and 85 individuals were allotted to each group. Patients in thestudy group were instructed alternate nostril breathing exercise two times a day (10 min durationof exercise each time) for 5 days along with routine treatment, and patients in the control groupunderwent routine treatment.RESULTS: There was a marked reduction in systolic blood pressure (BP), diastolic BP, heart rate,and rate pressure product after the continuous 5‑day alternate nostril breathing exercise in the studygroup. P < 0.0001 demonstrated a statistically significant difference in systolic BP, diastolic BP,heart rate, and rate pressure product that existed pre‑ and post‑assessment on 1st day and 5th day.CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that regular simple alternate nostril breathing exercise effectivelyreduces hypertension.