. Mohan Bilikallahalli Sannathimmappa,; . Vinod Nambiar; . Rajeev Aravindakshan; . Mohammad Saleem Jawad Al Khabori; . Asma Hamed Sulaiman Al-Flaiti; . Kadhiya Nasser Mohamed Al-Azri; . Ali Khamis Saif Al-Reesi; . Alya Rashid Mohammad Al Kiyumi
Volume 11, Issue 6 , July 2021, , Pages 1-8
BACKGROUND: In diabetic foot infections (DFIs), the diversity of microbial profile and ever‑changingantibiotic‑resistance patterns emphasize accurate characterization of microbial ...
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BACKGROUND: In diabetic foot infections (DFIs), the diversity of microbial profile and ever‑changingantibiotic‑resistance patterns emphasize accurate characterization of microbial profile and antibioticsusceptibility pattern. The aim of the study was to investigate the pathogens associated with DFIand their antibiotic susceptibility patterns.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross‑sectional retrospective study was conducted at a tertiary‑carehospital, Oman. The socio‑demographic and microbiological profile and antibiotic susceptibilitypatterns of pathogens isolated from patients with DFIs from January 2013 to December 2018 werereviewed. Quantitative and qualitative variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviationand percentages, respectively. A Chi‑square test was used for testing the association betweenmultidrug‑resistant (MDR) organisms and variables.RESULTS: In total, 233 isolates recovered from 133 clinical specimens with an average of1.8 organisms per specimen were included in the study. Fifty‑six and forty-four percent of specimensshowed monomicrobial and polymicrobial growth of two or more organisms, respectively. Thefrequency of isolation was predominant among males (65%). Aerobic Gram‑negative rods werepredominantly (75%) isolated compared to Gram‑positive organisms (25%). Staphylococcus aureusand Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the most frequently isolated Gram‑positive and Gram‑negativebacteria, respectively. Thirty‑eight percent of them were MDR strains. Gram‑negative organismsshowed fairly good susceptibility ranging from 75% to 100% to carbapenems, aminoglycosides,and piperacillin‑tazobactam. While doxycycline and trimethoprim‑sulfamethoxazole showed goodsusceptibility toward Gram‑positive organisms.CONCLUSION: DFIs are often polymicrobial with a predominance of Gram‑negative pathogens. Thisstudy recommends the use of carbapenems and doxycycline for empirical therapy of Gram‑negativeand Gram‑positive bacterial DFIs, respectively.