. Dyah Aryani Perwitasari; . Imaniar Noor Faridah; . Haafizah Dania; . Lolita Lolita; . Lalu Muhammad Irham; . Muthia Dewi Marthilia Alim; . Maratun Shoaliha; . Mochammad Junaidy Heriyanto
Volume 11, Issue 5 , June 2021, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Increasing community awareness about the transmission and treatment ofCOVID‑19 will stop the spread of the virus. Pharmacy students are the potential facilitator to givecommunity ...
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BACKGROUND: Increasing community awareness about the transmission and treatment ofCOVID‑19 will stop the spread of the virus. Pharmacy students are the potential facilitator to givecommunity education about COVID‑19 treatment. The objective of this study is to evaluate thepharmacy students’ knowledge of COVID‑19 treatment, behavior, and attitude of providing theinformation about COVID‑19 treatment.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted cross‑sectional study, recruiting 429 pharmacystudents from three schools of pharmacy in Indonesia. The questionnaire about the knowledge ofCOVID‑19 treatment, behavior, and attitude of providing the information on COVID‑19 treatment metthe validity and reliability criteria. We defined the proportion of knowledge, behavior, and attitude ofthe students using SPSS® version 22.RESULTS: Most of the students are in the earlier years (46.63%), female (84.15%), find the informationabout COVID‑19 from many sources of media (85.08%) including scientific articles and knowinformation about COVID‑19 transmission around their life area (76.46%). The students’ knowledgeabout antiviral and plasma convalescent is good (>70%), the positive behaviors are related to theCOVID‑19 treatment information regarding to the antiviral and the provision of Vitamin C (>50%), andthe positive attitude are related to giving information about the use of avigan®, plasma convalescent,chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, and immunomodulator (>50%).CONCLUSIONS: As a future pharmacist, the knowledge of pharmacy students about COVID‑19treatment needs to be improved since earlier years. Furthermore, using the good knowledge aboutCOVID‑19 treatment, the positive behavior and attitude of providing information of the students, thecommunity behavior and attitude will be improved. The high year students have a tendency for thegood knowledge and positive behavior and attitude of providing the information.