. Razie Toghroli; . Leila Reisy; . Morteza Mansourian; . Farbod Ebadi Fard Azar; . Arash Ziapour; . Nafiul Mehedi; . Nazila NeJhaddadgar
Volume 11, Issue 5 , June 2021, , Pages 1-8
BACKGROUND: This research is one of the very few studies, which seeks a focalized examinationto observe the effects of the backpack on the teenager students. Adolescents prefer rucksacks ...
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BACKGROUND: This research is one of the very few studies, which seeks a focalized examinationto observe the effects of the backpack on the teenager students. Adolescents prefer rucksacks asone of their favorite school bags during their school studies. This study inspects how knapsacksgradually bring changes as injuries in the bodies of school‑going adolescents. There are amplestudies in the past literature, which evidence the injuries of backpack among adolescents, such asbackache, neck pain, and shoulder pain. The principal objective of this study is to determine theeffects of backpacks on musculoskeletal injuries among school‑going adolescents based on previousstudies support in this research field.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This review study selected observational studies from the pastliterature indexed in the databases of Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and CINAHL during 1999–2020. This review focused on the keywords of “Backpack,” “Musculoskeletal Injuries,” and “Adolescent”from MESH and selected 14 out of 210 articles based on the research objective. According to theCrombie Checklist, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and investigating the quality of the report, thisreview focused on literature evidence to the field under investigation.RESULTS: Based on the chosen 14 articles, the findings of the present review indicated twooutcomes by considering the impact of the backpack on musculoskeletal injuries and pains amongadolescents. The results of the review studies specified that there was a statistically significantpositive relationship between the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries and pain using a backpackamong most of the male and female adolescents. The findings also stipulate that injuries and painintensity among female adolescents were higher than the male students.CONCLUSION: The results of this review study specified that improper use of the backpack,which exceeded the standard weight, caused chorionic pain and injuries between both genders ofadolescents. The generalizability of the results is suitable for this review study.