. Ali Navidian; . Maryam Navaee; . Hadis Kaykha
Volume 9, Issue 3 , March 2019, , Pages 1-7
INTRODUCTION: Occupational stress is a main problem of healthcare workers, which significantlyaffects their professional and personal performance. The aim of this study was to determine ...
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INTRODUCTION: Occupational stress is a main problem of healthcare workers, which significantlyaffects their professional and personal performance. The aim of this study was to determine theimpact of a stress immunization program on occupational stress of midwives working in health centers.MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this quasi‑experimental study, 80 midwives working in healthcenters of Zahedan (2017) were divided into test and control groups based on random allocation.The intervention involved a stress immunization program consisting of two workshops (each lasting4 h) in two consecutive weeks, which was implemented for the intervention group. As data collectiontool, Health and Safety Executive Occupational Stress Questionnaire was completed in three stepsbefore, immediately after, and 1 month after the intervention. Data were analyzed using descriptiveand analytical statistics, independent t‑test, and repeated measures ANOVA.RESULTS: The findings showed that mean stress score in the intervention group was increasedfrom 79.5 ± 9.7 before intervention to 104.5 ± 17.3 immediately after it, which was increased to110.5 ± 18.3 1 month after intervention (P < 0.001). In the control group, mean stress score wasdecreased immediately after as well as 1 month after the intervention, which was statistically significantafter the intervention and 1 month after it (P > 0.023).CONCLUSION: The stress immunization program is an inexpensive and effective way to reduce thestress of midwives; therefore, it is suggested to be used to effectively handle occupational stressamong midwives and to improve their quality of care.