. Vaibhav Kumar; . Yashashree Patil; . Romi Jain; . Nikhil Bhanushali; . Ketaki Gaonkar; . Jobsy Ciby
Volume 13, Issue 1 , January 2023, , Pages 1-9
BACKGROUND: Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the release of the COVID (Corona VirusDisease)‑19 vaccine was highly anticipated. Nevertheless, vaccine availability does not symbolize ...
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BACKGROUND: Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the release of the COVID (Corona VirusDisease)‑19 vaccine was highly anticipated. Nevertheless, vaccine availability does not symbolize theend of pandemic due to ongoing vaccine hesitancy and anti‑vaccination movements. The objectiveof this study is to evaluate COVID‑19 vaccine acceptance among pregnant and lactating individualsin Maharashtra state, India.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive cross‑sectional study was conducted via a hybridapproach using various digital portals such as Whatsapp, telegram, and physical distribution to thosewho did not have access to smartphone devices. A probability proportional sampling strategy wasdeployed. A pre‑validated structured self‑administered questionnaire tool designed by Freeman et al.2020 (Oxford COVID‑19 vaccine hesitancy scale) was used, which consisted of seven close‑endedtargeted and focused questions. Analysis of several survey items and vaccine acceptance wasconducted using the Chi‑square test.RESULTS: Analysis revealed that 58% of individuals were willing to take vaccines after governmentapproval and 26% of individuals showed hesitancy toward vaccination. When compared, lactatingindividuals showed less vaccine hesitancy (22%) than pregnant individuals (27%). The maximumvaccine hesitancy was observed in the third trimester of pregnancy (29.5%).CONCLUSIONS: Trust in vaccines is a crucial factor and is dependent on the ability of the governmentin promoting vaccines through effective communication; this can be one of the reasons for the highlevel of acceptance and awareness toward COVID‑19 vaccination in this study.