. Camilo Rojas; . Fernando Valenzuela; . Hugo Folch
Volume 11, Issue 4 , May 2021, , Pages 1-9
BACKGROUND: The National Examination of Knowledge in Medicine establishes the knowledgeprofile (PdC) a physician must possess to practice public medicine in Chile. However, no ...
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BACKGROUND: The National Examination of Knowledge in Medicine establishes the knowledgeprofile (PdC) a physician must possess to practice public medicine in Chile. However, no studyhas evaluated the perception of dermatology training regarding the acquisition of the minimumcompetencies required. This study described and compared the impressions of the dermatologytraining received by the University of Chile (UCh) graduates with graduates from other national andinternational faculties of medicine.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross‑sectional study, based on a single survey model,applied via E‑mail to registered physicians in an online database, with emphasis on UCh medicinegraduates, from the generations 2012 to 2016. The data were collected anonymously, tabulated,and analyzed in MINITAB.RESULTS: From 908 UCh graduates, 141 surveys were answered (15.5%). Nine of 10 physiciansconsidered “important” to obtain knowledge in dermatology. About 68.8% found the informationthey received was adequate. When comparing UCh graduates with other Chilean universities,UCh graduates had a slightly better impression of their training. When comparing Chilean versusforeign graduates, the latter presented a better perception of their preparation in cutaneouspathology.CONCLUSION: UCh graduates were satisfied with their dermatological training at the undergraduatelevel and felt better prepared than colleagues from other Chilean universities when facing cutaneouspathologies.