. Mohadese Kamali; . Hoda Kamali; . Mohammadmahdi Doustmohammadi; . Hojjat Sheikhbardsiri; . Masoud Moghadari
Volume 11, Issue 4 , May 2021, , Pages 1-9
Drug abuse is one of the most important threats to human beings today, leading to disability andeven early death. In the past, opium had only therapeutic uses, but now, drug addiction ...
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Drug abuse is one of the most important threats to human beings today, leading to disability andeven early death. In the past, opium had only therapeutic uses, but now, drug addiction is one of themajor public health problems in Iran. Opium and its derivatives are the most commonly used illicitdrugs in this country. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the treatment strategies ofopium addiction from the perspective of Persian medicine. In this narrative review, the search wasconducted using appropriate keywords in the authoritative books of Persian medicine documentationsof databases of PubMed, Google Scholar, PsycINFO, American Academy of Medical Sciences, UnitedNations Office on Drugs and Crimes with keywords of opioid and opium since 2000 AD. In Persianmedicine books, “Afioon” means poppy plant (Papaver somniferum), which is called opium in Englishand “Theriac” in Persian. To quit, they should be gradually reduced and replaced with appropriatespices such as henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) seeds or mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) fruit orroot or poppy (P. somniferum) seeds or poppy shell or Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seeds, or castortestis or nutmeg (Myristans fragrans) fruit or ajwain (Trachyspermum copticum) seeds or bakedbread. Opioid quit should be gradual and delayed in time of consumption and gradual reduction ofopium levels, and bodies that have become lean for a long time will gradually recover with adequatenutrition over time.