. Alireza Janbakhsh; . Masoomeh Abedinfam; . Mohamad Reza Sobhiyeh; . Mansour Rezaie; . Payam Sarie Aslani; . Siavash Vaziri; . Babak Sayad; . Mandana Afsharian; . Fezollah Mansouri
Volume 11, Issue 4 , May 2021, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the main public health troubles diabetic footulcer (DFU) is one of the most important and relatively common causes of hospitalization. This ...
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BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the main public health troubles diabetic footulcer (DFU) is one of the most important and relatively common causes of hospitalization. This studyinvestigates the prevalence of peripheral artery disease (PAD) in Imam Reza Hospital of Kermanshahduring 2017–2018.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is descriptive‑analytical. The study population was196 cases with infectious DFUs admitted to Imam Reza Hospital of Kermanshah during 2019–2020.The presence or absence of PAD was assessed in these cases. The collected data were analyzedby SPSS software (version 18.0).RESULTS: Among 196 patients studied, 120 (61.22%) patients had PAD. The prevalence ofPAD was higher in men than in women and it was more common in Type 2 DM patients than inType 1 DM patients. The majority of ulcers were located on the nonplantar surface of the foot.Moreover, the prevalence of PAD had a significant relationship by increasing the duration ofdiabetes (P = 0.041), history of amputation (P = 0.002), history of diabetic foot (P = 0.006), andperipheral neuropathy (P = 0.005).CONCLUSION: A considerable number of diabetic patients with DFU had PAD. This necessitatesmore intense interventions to manage PAD as a strong risk factor for DFU in diabetics. Neurovascularassessment of diabetic patients and early diagnosis of PAD may be appropriate interventions toprevent development of DFUs. We recommend trial studies to find out the best methods to addressearly detection of PAD in diabetics.