. Suhasini Padugupati; . Krishna Prakash Joshi; . Thomas V Chacko; . Deepak Jamadar
Volume 11, Issue 4 , May 2021, , Pages 1-7
BACKGROUND: The flipped classroom pedagogy allows students to introduce a topic and gathertheir own meanings outside of the classroom, then explore the topic and create their meaningsor ...
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BACKGROUND: The flipped classroom pedagogy allows students to introduce a topic and gathertheir own meanings outside of the classroom, then explore the topic and create their meaningsor exclude their misconceptions during class. Our aim was to enhance the ability of self‑directedlearning (SDL) among medical undergraduates. Pedagogical benefits of the model are highlightedalong with potential challenges to its use.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Kemp’s Instructional model was used to design flipped classroom.Need analysis was done to assess the perceptions of the students on the current teaching practicesand their expectations for adoption of innovative methods. Validation of content was done by Delphimethod by subject experts across the institutions. Content included objectives; case scenarios andextended multiple choice questions. Students were divided into two groups. Group A and Group B,50 in each. A topic was given 1 week prior and both groups were subjected to a pretest to identifytheir self‑study performance. Group A was exposed to 4 sessions of flipped classroom. They wereprovided with PowerPoint slides with voice recordings. In the classroom, first 30 min was meant forquiz and next 30 min was meant to clarify the doubts. Group B were exposed to the 4 regular lecturesessions. Both the groups were subjected to the posttest and test after 4 weeks. Later with anothertopic, flipped classroom was conducted for all the 100 students and the feedback was taken fromall the students and faculty using a validated questionnaire.RESULTS: Posttest scores of students who were flipped were statistically significant (p < 0.001).Most (98%) students opined that these interactive sessions evoked interest in the topic. Flippedclassroom sessions were found to be effective in improving students’ learning behavior toward SDL,collaborative learning skills and critically analyzing the basic concepts.CONCLUSIONS: By following a systematic process (Kemp’s instructional Model, it is possibleto design need‑based flipped classroom sessions. They are found to be effective in improvingstudents’ learning behavior toward deep learning, self‑efficacy, SDL, collaborative learning skills,critically analyzing the basic concepts. In a flipped classroom, “the learning environment transformsinto a dynamic and more social space where students can participate in critiques or work throughproblems in teams.