. Manju Bala; . Vikramjeet Arora; . Bharti Chawla; . Neha Gautam
Volume 11, Issue 3 , March 2021, , Pages 1-5
BACKGROUND: Involving medical undergraduate students in patients’ health education will not onlyhelp in improving students’ learning as well as professional and communication ...
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BACKGROUND: Involving medical undergraduate students in patients’ health education will not onlyhelp in improving students’ learning as well as professional and communication skills but also playsan important role in achieving better health outcome of patients. The aim of the study was to assessthe impact of students led educational intervention regarding tuberculosis (TB) on their learning andon the patients’ knowledge and attitude towards the disease.MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred medical undergraduates were included in the study. Anintegrated lecture on TB was given to all participants followed by preintervention test on TB. One groupwas then subjected to interactive traditional lecture. Whereas the videos reflecting the experiencesof TB patients were shown to the other group and was given an assignment to prepare educationalleaflets for TB patients followed by postintervention test for both groups. The patients’ satisfactionlevel with the information given via educational leaflet and the overall perceived benefits of thisactivity by the students were assessed. Data analysis done using SPSS version 23.0. Independentand paired t‑test were used to calculate difference of means for quantitative variables.RESULTS: Two groups were comparable preintervention however postintervention there wassignificant improvement in knowledge in the study group (P0.000). Overall 74.2% of the patientswere satisfied with the information provided through leaflets. Students’ feedback highlighted thatmajority of the them felt benefitted from this activity.CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that such type of educational interventions have dual benefits,i.e., learning for the students as well as providing health education to patients which in turn willimprove their clinical outcome.