. Sulakshana Shridhar Baliga; . Padmaja Ravindra Walvekar; . Girija Jagadish Mahantshetti
Volume 11, Issue 1 , January 2021, , Pages 1-6
Abstract:BACKGROUND AND AIM: Concept maps hold great potential for the students as it helps inthe formulation of new concepts as well to evaluate the learning ability of the students. ...
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Abstract:BACKGROUND AND AIM: Concept maps hold great potential for the students as it helps inthe formulation of new concepts as well to evaluate the learning ability of the students. However, theuse of concept maps as a teaching tool in medical students in India has not been explored, to thebest of our knowledge. This study was conducted to assess the use of concept maps in improvinglearning among medical students.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted among III MBBS students belonging totwo batches. This study was carried out in two stages. In first stage, pretest was taken to test theknowledge of students. Later, introductory class was taken on tuberculosis and concept map wasused to explain the given concept and later posttest was taken. In second stage, feedback wastaken from the students regarding the concept map. Pre‑ and post‑test results were compared usingWilcoxon test.RESULTS: Significant difference between pretest (4 ± 1.593) and posttest (10 ± 0.762) score wasseen (P < 0.0001). More than 50% of students scored full marks in posttest, whereas no one got fullmarks in the pretest. Positive response (82.09%) was received from the students when feedbackwas taken regarding the use of concept map.CONCLUSION: Concept maps are found to be an effective teaching and learning tool for medicalstudents. They can be used to enhance meaningful learning in students and can be practiced morein the students for better understandings of the concepts.