. Shruthi M.N.; . Anand D. Meundi; . Sushma D
Volume 9, Issue 1 , January 2019, , Pages 1-8
CONTEXT: Wearing helmet during road traffic accidents among motorcycle riders decreases thelikelihood of death by 39%. The theory of planned behavior (TPB), a psychological model helps ...
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CONTEXT: Wearing helmet during road traffic accidents among motorcycle riders decreases thelikelihood of death by 39%. The theory of planned behavior (TPB), a psychological model helps toexplain the failure in helmet usage, by assuming a causal chain. The current study was taken upas no studies have elicited the determinants of helmet usage in terms of TPB among health‑careproviders, the role models for healthful behavior by virtue of their profession in the current urbanIndian context.AIMS: The aims of the study were (1) to determine the proportion of proper use of helmetsand (2) to identify TPB‑related factors and other factors influencing the use of helmets.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross‑sectional study was conducted among 147 students andstaff of a tertiary health‑care center, Bengaluru, using a pretested, validated, semi‑structured,self‑administered questionnaire. Convenience sampling was used. Hierarchical regression modelwas used to explain variation in the scores of helmet‑use behavior on the basis of TPB variables.P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.RESULTS: About 65% of respondents practiced “proper use” of helmets. Intention, perceivedbehavioral control (direct), and attitude (indirect) were significant predictors of helmet use (P < 0.05).Mean scores of knowledge on helmet use and behavior showed positive correlation (P > 0.05).CONCLUSIONS: Application of TPB in urban Indian context was successful in identifying precursorsof helmet use. This study throws a light on the strong influencers of helmet use which can assist policydevelopers in developing effective programs to successfully promote the “proper use” of helmets.