. Besharat Goodarzi; . Khosro Shakeri; . Aram Ghaniyoun; . Mohammad Heidari
Volume 8, Issue 11 , November 2018, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Human resources are the most important tool in agility of organization and isconsidered to be the most valuable asset of any organization. Agile emergency system can reduceproduction ...
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BACKGROUND: Human resources are the most important tool in agility of organization and isconsidered to be the most valuable asset of any organization. Agile emergency system can reduceproduction costs, increase market share, fulfill the needs of patients, and most importantly, it reducedthe mortality and morbidity from diseases and crashes.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation of human resource agilitywith performance of the staff of Tehran Emergency Center (TEC).MATERIALS AND METHODS: This research is a descriptive‑correlational study and 285operatives from TEC, with a population of 1100 were selected according to Morgan table andsimple random sampling. The data of this research were collected using human resource agilitycapabilities questionnaire and Patterson job performance questionnaire. SPSS/18 software anddescriptive‑inferential tests were used to analyze the data.RESULTS: The results show that the correlation between organizational agility and employeeperformance is 0.754 and is significant (P = 0.01). The correlation between the employee performanceand intelligence and knowledge (0.512), multiple competencies (0.61), knowledge management (0.57),empowerment culture (0.524), and information system (0.63) in significant level (P = 0.05).CONCLUSIONS: The agility of the staff of the TEC is correlated with their performance. Due to thesensitivity of the work of TEC staff, it is recommended that they are planning in such a way thatthey acquire the agility of themselves and their organizations by acquiring the necessary skills at alllevels, especially the operational level.