. Leila Shahmoradi; . Vahid Changizi; . Esmaeil Mehraeen; . Azadeh Bashiri; . Behrooz Jannat; . Mahsa Hosseini
Volume 8, Issue 9 , September 2018, , Pages 1-6
INTRODUCTION: The development of information technology (IT) in education has led to theexpansion of new teaching and learning methods at universities. Implementation of E‑learningprograms ...
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INTRODUCTION: The development of information technology (IT) in education has led to theexpansion of new teaching and learning methods at universities. Implementation of E‑learningprograms at Iran’s universities as well as assessing the prerequisites and level of preparation oflearners to attend E-learning environments require extensive study. Therefore, this study examinedto investigate the challenges of E‑learning system at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.METHODOLOGY: This study was a descriptive and cross‑sectional one that conducted in 2016_2017.The statistical populations were all of the students that have an E‑learning course in Tehran Universityof Medical Sciences, from whom, 300 were selected to participate in the study using a stratifiedrandom sampling method. The tool of the study was a researcher‑made questionnaire. The datawere analyzed through SPSS software.RESULTS: According to the findings of this study, about half of the participants (40%) had problemsaccessing the technology, and only 26.4% of the participants had good preparation for the use ofE‑learning system. Furthermore, a significant difference was found between the challenges of skilland culture of the participants (P value = 0.01).CONCLUSION: Success in the implementation of E‑learning educational system as one of the mainapproaches in managing knowledge and educational needs of higher education organization will notbe achieved without identifying the different skill, technical and cultural challenges. To overcome thischallenge, establishing IT infrastructure and standards, using experiences of the leading countriesin the field of E‑learning, creating proper culture, and familiarizing learners and teachers to thedevelopment and use of E‑learning materials are necessary.