. Shiva Kumar Patanapu; . Dolar Doshi; . Suhas Kulkarni; . Padma Reddy; . Srilatha Adepu; . Srikanth Reddy
Volume 8, Issue 7 , July 2018, , Pages 1-6
INTRODUCTION: Personal growth initiative (PGI) is an “intentional involvement in changing anddeveloping as a person.” A student who has higher level of PGI is said to show ...
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INTRODUCTION: Personal growth initiative (PGI) is an “intentional involvement in changing anddeveloping as a person.” A student who has higher level of PGI is said to show higher academicperformance because higher level of PGI might increase the student’s contribution and achievementin life.AIM: This study aimed to explore the association between academic performance and PGI amongundergraduate dental students.METHODS: A cross‑sectional study was carried out among 287 2nd, 3rd, 4th year dental studentsand interns of Panineeya Institute of Dental Sciences, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad. Personal growthwas evaluated by Personal Growth Initiative Scale‑II (PGIS‑II) along with their university academicperformance in the last year. SPSS package version 21.0, Kruskal–Wallis test, and Mann–WhitneyU‑test were used for comparison among variables.RESULTS: A significant difference (P = 0.05) was observed for PGIS subscale “readiness forchange,” with a higher mean score among 4th‑year students (3.59 ± 1.07). However, females showedhigher mean score for all subscales of PGIS except “Using resources” and total PGIS, but there isno significant gender difference. While higher mean scores for all subscales and total PGIS wereobserved among students who attained > 75% in their last year university examination, significantdifference was observed for subscale “Intentional behavior” (P = 0.02) only.CONCLUSION: PGI scale plays a crucial role among students to experience increased levels ofwell‑being, develop them positively, and adapt to adverse situations.