. Atefeh Afshari; . Firoozeh Mostafavi; . Arman Latifi; . Leila Ahmadi Ghahnaviyeh; . Maryam Pirouzi; . Ahmad Ali Eslami
Volume 8, Issue 6 , June 2018, , Pages 1-8
CONTEXT: The World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized the need for reorientation ofhospitals toward health promotion (HP).AIMS: This study explores health‑care professionals’ ...
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CONTEXT: The World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized the need for reorientation ofhospitals toward health promotion (HP).AIMS: This study explores health‑care professionals’ perception of barriers and strategies toimplementing HP in educational hospitals of Isfahan Province in Iran.SETTINGS AND DESIGN: The study settings included four selective educational hospitals and theTreatment Administration affiliation to the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A qualitative content analysis approach was employed in this study,with semi‑structured in‑depth interviews. Eighteen participants from hospital and accreditationmanagers, nurses, community medicine specialist, and directors of health‑care quality improvementand accreditation participated in the study by purposeful sampling method. The data were analyzedusing content analysis method.RESULTS: The barriers can be categorized into the following areas: (1) barriers associated withpatient and community, (2) barriers associated with health‑care professionals, (3) barriers associatedwith the organization, and (4) external environment barriers. The results were summarized into fourcategories as strategies, including: (1) marketing the plan, (2) identifying key people and training, (3)phasing activities and development of feasible goals, and (4) development of strategic goals of healthpromoting hospitals and supportive policies.CONCLUSIONS: The interactions of individual, organizational, and external environmental factorswere identified as barriers to implementation of HP in hospitals. To hospital reorientation toward HP,prioritizing the barriers, and using the proposed strategies may be helpful.