. Mohit Bansal; . Nidhi Gupta; . Gurpreet Kaur Saini; . Neha Sharma
Volume 8, Issue 6 , June 2018, , Pages 1-5
BACKGROUND: To provide quality care to the patient’s perspective and patient satisfaction aretwo major multidimensional concepts. In India, patient satisfaction with dental services ...
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BACKGROUND: To provide quality care to the patient’s perspective and patient satisfaction aretwo major multidimensional concepts. In India, patient satisfaction with dental services has receivedonly minor attention as the importance of the teeth is always neglected.OBJECTIVE: To assess the satisfaction level among patients toward dental treatment rendered atan academic institution.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross‑sectional study was conducted among 474 voluntary camppatients visiting Department of Public Health Dentistry, Swami Devi Dyal Hospital and Dental College,Barwala, using a 14‑item closed ended questionnaire which included demographic details, attitude,and practices of the participants and their satisfaction level to the treatment rendered to them wasgraded as highly satisfied, satisfied, and not satisfied. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 18which covered both descriptive and inferential statistics.RESULTS: Curative and preventive treatment was mostly required in younger age groups whereasextraction and prosthetic rehabilitation were found to be present in older age groups. Lack ofeducation and awareness was the most common reason behind not seeking treatment. Majority of theparticipants were satisfied with the treatment rendered and were found to be statistically significantwith visiting and referrals (P < 0.01).CONCLUSION: Imparting proper and appropriate information regarding the dental treatment willdefinitely change the attitude of the patients, thus help in raising the satisfaction levels.