. Sayed Hossein Davoodi; . Banafsheh Agah; . Teamur Aghamolaei; . Amin Ghanbarnejad; . Sakineh Dadipoor; . Ali Safari Moradabadi
Volume 8, Issue 2 , February 2018, , Pages 1-6
BACKGROUND: Consuming fish plays a key role in human health and prevention of diseases. Theaim of this study was using transtheoretical model to analyze the trend of fish consumption ...
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BACKGROUND: Consuming fish plays a key role in human health and prevention of diseases. Theaim of this study was using transtheoretical model to analyze the trend of fish consumption amongwomen.MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this descriptive‑analytic research, 383 housewives who referredto health centers in Bandar Abbas were selected through a stratified sampling method. Data werecollected by a questionnaire to determine fish consumption based on transtheoretical model andanalyzed by using SPSS software version 19.0. with the significance level of P < 0.05.RESULTS: Nearly 11.7% of the patients were found to be at the precontemplation stage; 3.9% wereat the contemplation stage; 13.6% were at the preparation stage; 7.3% showed to be at the actionstage, and 63.4% were at the maintenance stage. The results showed a significant relation of theconstructs of the model with the stages of change of consuming one or two meals of fish a week.Moving through the stages of change from the precontemplation stage to maintenance stage wasaccompanied by an increase in decisional balance, self‑efficacy, and processes of change (P < 0.05).CONCLUSION: It is suggested that in designing educational interventions in the light of this model,more emphasis is placed on perceived benefits and self‑efficacy. The processes of change areadvised to be used more often, and perceived barriers to fish consumption need to be reduced asfar as possible.