. Saleh Nuhu; . Lawan Hassan Adamu; . Mohammed Alhaji Buba; . Sani Hyedima Garba; . Babagana Mohammed Dalori; . Ashiru Hassan Yusuf
Volume 8, Issue 3 , March 2018, , Pages 1-5
INTRODUCTION: Teaching and learning process is increasingly metamorphosing from the traditionalchalk and talk to the modern dynamism in the information and communication technology. ...
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INTRODUCTION: Teaching and learning process is increasingly metamorphosing from the traditionalchalk and talk to the modern dynamism in the information and communication technology. Medicaleducation is no exception to this dynamism more especially in the teaching of gross anatomy, whichserves as one of the bases of understanding the human structure.OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to determine the gender preference of preclinical medicalstudents on the use of traditional (chalk and talk) and PowerPoint presentation in the teaching ofgross anatomy.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This was cross‑sectional and prospective study, which was conductedamong preclinical medical students in the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. Using simple randomtechniques, a questionnaire was circulated among 280 medical students, where 247 students filledthe questionnaire appropriately. The data obtained was analyzed using SPSS version 20 (IBMCorporation, Armonk, NY, USA) to find the method preferred by the students among other things.RESULTS: Majority of the preclinical medical students in the University of Maiduguri preferredPowerPoint method in the teaching of gross anatomy over the conventional methods. The Cronbachalpha value of 0.76 was obtained which is an acceptable level of internal consistency. A statisticallysignificant association was found between gender and preferred method of lecture delivery on theclarity of lecture content where females prefer the conventional method of lecture delivery whereasmales prefer the PowerPoint method, On the reproducibility of text and diagram, females preferPowerPoint method of teaching gross anatomy while males prefer the conventional method ofteaching gross anatomy.CONCLUSION: There are gender preferences with regard to clarity of lecture contents andreproducibility of text and diagram. It was also revealed from this study that majority of the preclinicalmedical students in the University of Maiduguri prefer PowerPoint presentation over the traditionalchalk and talk method in most of the questions ask.