. Habibolah Rezaei; . Asadolah Mosavi; . Alireza Yousefi; . Bagher Larijani; . Nima Rezaei; . Reza Dehnavieh; . Peyman Adibi
Volume 10, Issue 4 , April 2020, , Pages 1-10
INTRODUCTION: Internationalization of higher education involves mutual exchanges as well as aconsensus based. Political, economic, sociocultural, and scientific reasons recommend the ...
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INTRODUCTION: Internationalization of higher education involves mutual exchanges as well as aconsensus based. Political, economic, sociocultural, and scientific reasons recommend the need tomove toward the internationalization of higher education. The current study highlights the strengthsof the internationalization of Iran’s medical sciences education.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This descriptive exploratory study was carried out in 2016–2017 inIran. The techniques used for data collection included review of articles, interview with subject experts,and the focus group and the nominal technique group to explore the views of various stakeholders.The data were analyzed with the qualitative content analysis method.RESULTS: The inductive qualitative content analysis of all data generated 13 categories and 88subcategories. The categories were geographical and geostrategic position of Iran; the historical,cultural, religious, and tourist attractions of Iran; the security of Iran; priority to internationalizationpolicies and programs in Iran’s macro plans; the existence of regulations, laws, and approvals forinternational activities; same language with neighboring and regional countries; the low cost ofstudying and living in Iran; the ability of Iranian faculty members and experts for internationalization;the background, reputation, and the progress of medical education, health, and care in Iran; thecheaper forces of Iran and their welcome to foreigners; the existence of motivation, zeal, and belieffor internationalization; the existence of proper infrastructure; and the existence of a suitable capacityfor internationalization.CONCLUSIONS: Iran has some positive points that can be used to promote international activities,provided it does some good advertising in this regard. It is suggested that the challenges, opportunities,and threats to Iran’s internationalization should be collated from the perspective of the variousstakeholders.