. Gholam R. Sharifirad; . Mohsen Shamsi; . Asiyeh Pirzadeh; . Parvin D. Farzanegan
Volume 2, Issue 5 , December 2012, , Pages 1-6
Background: Quality gap is the gap between client’s understanding and expectations. Thefirst step in removing this gap is to recognize client’s understanding and expectations ...
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Background: Quality gap is the gap between client’s understanding and expectations. Thefirst step in removing this gap is to recognize client’s understanding and expectations of theservices. This study aimed to determine women’s viewpoint of quality gap in primary healthcare centers of Isfahan. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conductedon women who came to primary health care centers in Isfahan city. Sample size was 1280people. Service Quality was used to collect data including tangible dimensions, confidence,responsiveness, assurance and sympathy in providing services. Data were analyzed by t testand chi square test. Results: The results showed that women had controversy over all 5dimensions. The least mean quality gap was seen in assurance (-11.08) and the highest meanquality gap was seen in tangible dimension (-14.41). The difference between women’s viewpointin all 5 dimensions was significant. (P < 0.05) Conclusion: Negative difference means clients’expectations are much higher than their understanding of the current situation, so there is alarge space to improve services and satisfy clients.