. Gholamreza Shrifirad; . Aziz Kamran; . Seyed Kamal Mirkarimi; . Abbas Farahani
Volume 2, Issue 2 , July 2012, , Pages 1-5
Background: Breastfeeding is the most natural and essential way for feeding newborn babies. Thisis an ideal approach for physical and emotional development of babies, as well as for ...
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Background: Breastfeeding is the most natural and essential way for feeding newborn babies. Thisis an ideal approach for physical and emotional development of babies, as well as for the recoveryof mothers. This study was aimed to determine the effect of breastfeeding education based on thehealth belief model (HBM) toward primiparous women. Materials and Methods: In a case–controlgroup, quasi‑experimental study, 88 subjects were allocated in control and experimental groups.Subjects who were assigned to the experimental group were provided a program consisting ofgroup education based on HBM during their prenatal period. Instrument for data gathering wasmade by the researchers and standard questionnaire from Dennis and Faux for BreastfeedingSelf‑efficacy Scale (BSES). Baseline interviews were conducted before delivery and follow‑upvisits were conducted after 30 days and at the fourth month after delivery. Data were analyzedusing SPSS (version 16) with c2, independent sample t‑tests, and paired t‑test. Results: Meanage of pregnant women who participated in the study was 22 ± 3.29 years. After the program,the experimental group had significantly better scores in terms of self‑efficacy, knowledge, andattitude scores statistically. In the fourth month, the mean of child weight in the experimental groupwas significantly higher than that of the control group (P=0.001) and exclusive breastfeedingwas significantly higher than in the control group (P=0.007). Conclusion: Prenatal educationin this study based on HBM was successful, and knowledge, attitude, self‑efficacy, and relatedindicators improved. The necessity of producing standard education package and educationof pregnant mothers, especially in their first pregnancy, by health professionals is perceived.