. Maryam Johari; . Ahmad Ali Eslami; . Hamid Alahverdipoor; . Akbar Hasanzade; . Fariba Farid
Volume 4, Issue 4 , August 2014, , Pages 1-5
Introduction: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosiscomplex. It is one of the most common infectious diseases largely resulting from the patient’s ...
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Introduction: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosiscomplex. It is one of the most common infectious diseases largely resulting from the patient’s lifestyle.The purpose of the present study is to investigate factors related with adopting health behaviors bypatients with tuberculosis based on the health belief model. Materials and Methods: The presentcross‑sectional study was performed on 196 patients with tuberculosis. Data was collected usinga 47‑item, self‑designed, questionnaire. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated as 73.9. The Pearsontest was used to study the correlation between independent variables and adopting a healthybehavior. Results: The mean score for adopting healthy behaviors by patients was 87.52 ± 13.8.The Pearson correlation test indicated a statistically significant relation between adopting healthybehaviors and scores of knowledge (P < 0.001, r = 0.536), perceived susceptibility (P < 0.001,r = 0.36), perceived benefits (P < 0.001, r = 0.347), and perceived barriers (P = 0.046, r = 0.143).Conclusion: Direct relationship was found between adoptinga healthy behavior and scores ofknowledge, perceived susceptibility, and perceived benefit. Although the results of this study canbe the basis of educational interventions, any generalizations should be performed cautiously.