. Mahmoud Keyvanara; . Mozaffar Cheshmeh Sohrabi; . Firoozeh Zare; . Akbar Hassnazadeh; . Parisa Malekahmadi
Volume 4, Issue 3 , June 2014, , Pages 1-4
Background: Numerous researches conducted on about the quality of perception of mediamessages shows that the people are not passive receivers but they have the ability ofunderstanding, ...
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Background: Numerous researches conducted on about the quality of perception of mediamessages shows that the people are not passive receivers but they have the ability ofunderstanding, interpreting and accepting or rejecting messages. In order to make clear therelationship of information and communication technologies with social changes and to gaina broader vision from this scope, sociological theories about information and communicationtechnologies’ usage, especially appropriation approach can be very useful. So, keeping inmind the important role of Databases in the qualitative expansion of education, research,diagnosis, remedy and medical services presentation, this research was carried out withthe aim of status determination of databases appropriation in the academic staffs of IranianUniversities of Medical Sciences according to the social appropriation approach in 2012.Materials and Methods: This is an applicative research of an analytical‑descriptive type,which was carried out by measurement approach. The statistical society of this researchwas composed of the academic staffs of the Iranian Universities of Medical Sciences in2012 and finally 390 academic staffs were selected according to the Cochran’s formulawere selected. The research tool are searcher’s made questionnaire, which was composedof nine separate parts. Its validity was accepted by the specialists and its reliability wascalculated and found to be 0.961 by Cronbakh’s alpha. Results: Database appropriationscore in the academic staffs of Iranian Universities of Medical Sciences with 65.020% wasin a good status and data bases dis appropriation score with 71.484 was in a high status.Conclusion: According to the findings of this research, Librarians and politicians in thisscope‑with determination of the academic staff’s positive and negative points in usageand appropriation would be capable ofaccurately diagnozing and analyzing thechances and challenges of the academicstaffs members in using databases andwould also be capable of achieving solutionsand appropriate catalyzers of prolific usageand appropriation of databases.