. Sima Ajami; . Mahdi Askarianzadeh; . Sakineh Saghaeiannejad-Isfahani; . Mojgan Mortazavi; . Asghar Ehteshami
Volume 4, Issue 3 , June 2014, , Pages 1-4
Context: A disease registry is a database that includes information about people diagnosedwith specific types of diseases. The registry collects information that can be used for capturing,managing, ...
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Context: A disease registry is a database that includes information about people diagnosedwith specific types of diseases. The registry collects information that can be used for capturing,managing, and organizing specific information for patients. Aims: The aim of this study wasto identify and compare the National Renal Disease Registry (NRDR) in selected countriesincluding the United States, United Kingdom, and Iran. Settings and Design: Retrieval ofdata of the NRDR performed through scholars responsible in related agencies, includingthe Ministry of Health and Medical Education, and Renal Disease charity, and data registriesin the United States, United Kingdom, and Iran. Materials and Methods: This researchwas an applied and descriptive, comparative study. The study population consisted ofthe National Renal Disease Registry of the selected countries including the United States,United Kingdom, and Iran, from which data were collected using forms that were designedaccording to the study objectives. Sources of data were researchers, scholars responsiblein related agencies, including the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, and RenalDisease charity, data registries, articles, books, journals, databases, websites, and relateddocuments. Data were gathered through phone, e-mail, study, observation, and interview.Statistical Analysis Used: The researchers collected data for each country based onthe study objectives and then put them in comparative tables. Data were analyzed bydescriptive, comparative, and theoretical methods. Results: There is no NRDR in Iran toreport the short- and long-term results of renal disease. Most of the renal transplant teamsreport their own results as single-centerexperiences. America and Britain havepre-eminent national registry of renaldisease, compared to other countries.Conclusions: The Iranian Society ofNephrology should be actively involved tocreate a National Renal Registry in Iran. Theregistry should have representatives fromthe universities, government, armed forces,and private sectors. Researchers proposedto design the Iran National Renal Registryaccording to the UK Renal Disease Registrymodel because of its prominent healthcaresystem.