. Sakineh Saghaeiannejad Isfahani; . Reza Khajouei; . Maryan Jahanbakhsh; . Mahboubeh Mirmohamadi
Volume 4, Issue 3 , June 2014, , Pages 1-5
Introduction: Nowadays, modern laboratories are faced with a huge volume of information.One of the goals of the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is to assistin the management ...
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Introduction: Nowadays, modern laboratories are faced with a huge volume of information.One of the goals of the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is to assistin the management of the information generated in the laboratory. This study intends toevaluate the LIMS based on the standards of the American National Standard Institute (ANSI).Materials and Methods: This research is a descriptive–analytical study, which had beenconducted in 2011, on the LIMSs in use, in the teaching and private hospitals in Isfahan. Thedata collecting instrument was a checklist, which was made by evaluating three groups ofinformation components namely: ‘System capabilities’, ‘work list functions,’ and ‘reporting’based on LIS8-A. Data were analyzed using the SPSS 20. Data were analyzed using (relative)frequency, percentage. To compare the data the following statistical tests were used: Leven test,t-test, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Results: The results of the study indicated that theLIMS had a low conformity (30%) with LIS8-A (P = 0.001), with no difference between teachingand private hospitals (P = 0.806). The ANOVA revealed that in terms of conformity with theLIS8-A standard, there was a significant difference between the systems produced by differentvendors (P = 0.023). According to the results, a Kowsar system with more than %57 conformity inthe three groups of information components had a better conformity to the standard, comparedto the other systems. Conclusions: This study indicated that none of the LIMSs had a goodconformity to the standard. It seems that system providers did not pay sufficient attention tomany of the information components required by the standards when designing and developingtheir systems. It was suggested that standards from certified organizations and institutions befollowed in the design and development process of health information systems.