. Sadigheh Ghaemi; . Parsa Navaei; . Shima Rahimirad; . Mohaddeseh Behjati; . Roya Kelishadi
Volume 4, Issue 3 , June 2014, , Pages 1-3
Background: Neonatal conjunctivitis leads to several ocular consequences in the affectedneonates such as blindness. Currently available therapeutic options include NaNO3,Gentamicin, ...
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Background: Neonatal conjunctivitis leads to several ocular consequences in the affectedneonates such as blindness. Currently available therapeutic options include NaNO3,Gentamicin, Neomycin and so on, in which each of them has their own limitations. Regardingthe immunologic content of colostrum and its safety and easy accessibility, we aimed toevaluate its preventive effects against neonatal conjunctivitis. Materials and Methods: Inthis clinical trial, conducted from November 2011 to July 2012, 300 preterm neonates, withculture negative eye swab, were enrolled and randomly assigned into three groups. Theintervention group received two drops of colostrum. Control group received no treatment andother neonates were treated with topical Erythromycin ointment (0.5%). All neonates werefollowed for occurrence of clinical conjunctivitis for 28 days. Data analysis were performed byChi-square test. Results: Our data demonstrate the beneficial preventive effects of Colostrumagainst neonatal conjunctivitis (P = 0.036). Conclusion: Colostrum is suggested as analternative prophylactic option for antibiotics against neonatal conjunctivitis. As colostrum iseasily accessible without cost, potential hazards and side effects, public education about itstopical favorable effects is worthwhile.