. Maryam Amidi Mazaheri; . Leili Rabiei; . Reza Masoudi; . Saeid Hamidizadeh; . Mohammad Reza Rashidi Nooshabad; . Arash Najimi
Volume 4, Issue 3 , June 2014, , Pages 1-6
Background and Objective: Depression is one of the most common and specific problemsduring pregnancy and after it. Maternal postpartum depression compromises mother’s healthand ...
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Background and Objective: Depression is one of the most common and specific problemsduring pregnancy and after it. Maternal postpartum depression compromises mother’s healthand affects social relationship, and has negative effect on infant development. The aim ofthis study was to investigate the prevalence of postpartum depression and its related factorsin Isfahanian mothers. Materials and Methods: This is a cross - sectional study. The studypopulations were 133 women who at the last 8-4 weeks of labor referred to Isfahan healthcenters. Demographic information and obstetric and Beck Depression Inventory were applied.Three categories emerged according to the degree of scale: Mild, moderate, and severedepression. Statistical analysis was used with the Pearson correlation and linear regressionin SPSS version 18. Results: A total of 73 mothers had mild depression (10-19) and 56 hadmoderate depressions (20-29). Among the factors related to depression such as maternaleducation, financial status, unwanted pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, and maternaloccupational history, there was a significant correlation with postpartum depression (P > 0.05).Variables in the regression analysis include maternal education, financial status, unwantedpregnancy, history of premenstrual syndrome, maternal occupation, type of delivery, historyof miscarriage, and having a satisfaction with baby gender. And, a total of 27.7% varianceexplains the postpartum depression. Among these factors, the predictive variables of maternaleducation, type of delivery, financial condition, unwanted pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome,and maternal occupational history were significant in the meantime; the prediction of unplannedpregnancy was more than other variables (ß = 0.24). Conclusions: With attention to factorsassociated with postpartum depression, the healthcare planner will help to better manage theproblem. The results of this study will help to better understand the factors influencing mothersin the labor process, and mothers in the laborprocess, experiences minimum mental healthdisorders.