. Omolbanin Motamed Rezaei; . Mitra Moodi; . Nahid Moazam
Volume 4, Issue 2 , May 2014, , Pages 1-5
Background: Achieving a balanced and proper nutrition is one of the most important healthobjectives in the early years of the child’s life. The aim of this study is to determine ...
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Background: Achieving a balanced and proper nutrition is one of the most important healthobjectives in the early years of the child’s life. The aim of this study is to determine the level ofknowledge and attitude of the mothers covered by the urban health centers of Birjand aboutnutritional behaviors. Materials and Methods: This descriptive‑analytical study was conductedon the mothers with children less than five years referring the health centers of Birjand, in 1387.A questionnaire was prepared for data collection. Data were analyzed using SPSS software,Chi square, ANOVA, Tukey’s post hoc and Pearson correlation coefficient statistical tests with aaccuracy level of P < 0.05. Results: Two hundred ninety four patients were studied. A meaningfuldifference was observed between the knowledge and attitude scores in terms of the mothers’education stand (P = 0.002). Eighty three point seven percent, 65.6%, 82.7% and 64.6% ofmothers were aware about the importance of iron absorption, the onset of iron supplement drop,the minerals and vitamins in the body, and the effects of vitamin A deficiency, respectively. Themothers’ knowledge and attitude about the nutritional behavior was evaluated at the average andgood level, respectively. Conclusions: Considering the average level of the mothers’ knowledgeand attitude about children’s nutritional behaviors, the retraining of family physicians and healthcenters staff about the importance of nutritional behaviors is recommended.