. Alok Kumar; . Satish Sharma; . Narayan Ingole; . Nitin Gangane
Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2014, , Pages 1-3
Background: An audit is a written series of simple, direct questions, which when answered andreviewed, tell whether the laboratory is performing its procedures, activities, and policies ...
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Background: An audit is a written series of simple, direct questions, which when answered andreviewed, tell whether the laboratory is performing its procedures, activities, and policies correctlyand on time. Aim: The aim of this study is to briefly highlight the importance of audit in blood bankservices. Materials and Methods: An Audit of Blood Bank Services was carried out in a Bloodbank of the tertiary care hospital, Central India by using the tool kit, (comprised of checklists)developed by Directorate General of Health Services, Dhaka WHO, July 2008. Results: After goingthrough these checklists, we observed that there is no system for assessing the training needsof staff in the blood bank. There was no provision for duty doctor’s room, expert room, medicaltechnologist room and duty care service. There was no checklist for routine check for observationof hemolysis and deterioration of blood and plasma. There was no facility for separate privateinterview to exclude sexual disease in the donor. Requisition forms were not properly filled forblood transfusion indications. There was no facility for notification of donors who are permanentlydeferred. There were no records documented for donors who are either temporarily or permanentlydeferred on the basis of either clinical examination, history, or serological examination. It wasfound that wearing of apron, cap, and mask was not done properly except in serology laboratory.When the requisition forms for blood transfusions were audited, it was found that many requisitionforms were without indications. Conclusion: Regular audit of blood bank services needs to beinitiated in all blood banks and the results needs to be discussed among the managements,colleagues, and staffs of blood bank. These results will provide a good opportunity for findingstrategies in improving the blood bank services with appropriate and safe use of blood.