. Siamak Mohebi; . Leila Azadbakht; . Avat Feizi; . Gholamreza Sharifirad; . Mohammad Hozori
Volume 4, Issue 1 , February 2014, , Pages 1-9
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a collection of metabolic disorders, which can increase themortality rates from 20% to 80%. One of strategies to control the disease is the attention ...
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Introduction: Metabolic syndrome is a collection of metabolic disorders, which can increase themortality rates from 20% to 80%. One of strategies to control the disease is the attention to thedietary habits. Compliance with proper diet is one of the major challenges in the managementof this syndrome. Due to this fact, that the patient is responsible for the adjustment of thedaily diet, it is important to identify the factors affecting the adoption of nutritional self-care.Besides, self-efficacy is considered as an important pre-requisite for this behavior because itacts as an independent part of the basic skills. This study was carried out with the purpose ofdetermining the predictive role of perceived self-efficacy on macronutrients intake in womenwith metabolic syndrome. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study with correlationalnature in 2012, there were 329 patients with the metabolic syndrome. The patients were coveredby Isfahan oil industry medical centers and selected by a systematic method. In order to gatherinformation on perceived self-efficacy, the questionnaires constructed by the researchers wereused and the validity and reliability had been confirmed by the calculation of content validityindexand content validity ratio values and the indices of internal consistency and stability of thetool. The 24-h dietary recall questionnaire was also used for 3 days in order to investigate thenutritional behavior. The obtained data from the dietary recall questionnaire were analyzed bythe N4 nutritional software. In this study, AMOS software version 16 was used for the structuralmodel fitting by using the generalized least squares method besides the SPSS statisticalsoftware version 16. Results: These averages obtained from the results: 2512.37 kcal energyintake, 70.95 g protein, 420 g carbohydrates and 61.61 g of fat per day. The mean of perceivedself-efficacy score was 47.89. The Pearson correlation coefficient was indicated a significantinverse relationship between the perceived self-efficacy and intake of macronutrients in themetabolic syndrome. The most direct effect of the coefficient of perceived self-efficacy wasobserved on fat and carbohydrate intake (P < 0.05 and β = −0.592) and (P < 0.05 and β =−0.395). Conclusions: The amount of energy,carbohydrate, fat and protein were more thanthe recommended dietary allowances levelsand the amount of self-efficacy was moderate.The present study showed that perceivedself-efficacy provided a useful framework tounderstand and predict adherence to dietaryself-care behaviors in patients with metabolicsyndrome.